Wildlife Exclusion

The primary objective of any exclusion servcie should be to reduce damage in a practical, humane and environmentally acceptable manner. Our Wildlife Technicians use control methods based on the habits and biology of the animals causing damage. By using methods matched to the nuisance species, control efforts will be more effective and will serve to maximize safety to the environment, humans and other animals.

A key to controlling wildlife damage is prompt and accurate determination of which animal is causing the damage. Because feeding indications of many wildlife species are similar, other signs – such as droppings, tracks, burrows, nests or food caches – are usually needed to make a positive species identification.

After the wildlife pest is identified, control methods can be chosen appropriate to the animal species involved. Improper control methods may harm but not kill the animal, causing it to become leery of those and other methods in the future. For example, using traps and poison baits improperly or in the wrong situation may teach the animal that the control method is harmful. This may make the animal difficult to control later, even with the correct method.

Physically excluding an offending animal from the area being damaged or disturbed is often the best and most permanent way to control the problem. We offer several options for exclusion. Our full comprehensive Builder’s Gap Exclusion and Gutter Guard Installation both come with lifetime renewable warranties.

Click here for a free quote today or contact us at 770-486-9973.

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